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Clubs & Activities

For Marching Band, Winter Guard, and Winter Percussion, please visit the Music page.

Class Leadership

Freshman Leadership

Samantha Babin

Sheila Kwilasz

Who should be in Freshmen Stu-Go? Any 9th grader with a passion to make Mountain Range a great place to be and is willing to go above-and-beyond to help others. 

7:10-7:40am in room B203.

Sophomore Class Leadership

Kelly Tyler

Mitch Davis


Junior Class Leadership

Amy Ramirez

Aimee Benimeli

Jenna Graver

7:10am-7:40 am
Room C206 or C207

Come help us plan the 2025 Prom!

Senior Class Leadership

Taryn DeStasio

Christine Munzer

7:10-7:40 am in C208


All Activities

Anime/Card Club

Kyle Wimmer

Attention Anime fans, Trading Card players, Switch enthusiasts and D.S. pros! The Anime & Card Club meets Thursdays after school in the Wrangler room from 3:30-4:30. This club is all-inclusive and open to anyone and everyone. Between watching anime, drawing manga, playing Magic The Gathering, Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh, or jumping on the Switch for Smash Bros Ultimate, this club has got it all! See Mr. Wimmer in room C133 for more information.

Art Club

Kimberly Colegrove

Art Club is a place for Drawing, Painting, Crafting, Making new friends and More! All MRHS Students are welcome! If you have any questions, email or come see Ms. Colegrove in room D123
2024 - 2025  MRHS Art Club Meeting Dates on Tuesdays, 3:15-4:15
  • 1st Semester: First Meeting on 09/17/24, 10/01/24, 10/29/24, 11/12/24, 12/10/24
  • 2nd Semester: 01/21/25, 02/04/25, 02/25/25, 03/11/25, 03/25/25, Last Meeting on 04/08/25

Battle of the Books

Tricia LaRue

Battle of the Books is a club in which student (and teacher) teams read books and battle it out in quiz style competitions against other Adams 12 high schools. Meetings are on the dates below at 3:15-3:45. Battles are at 4pm at the schools listed below. We generally meet and have battles on a Thursday, but other days are noted below.

  • Battle of the Books Website
  • 24-25 Booklist and Poster
  • Meetings:
    • 1st Semester: 9/19. 10/3, 10/24, 11/7, 12/5
    • 2nd Semester: 1/9, 1/29 (Wed.), 2/13, 3/20, 4/10
  • Battles: 10/10/24 (NHS), 11/21/24 (THS), 1/23 (MRHS), 3/6/25 (LHS), 4/24/25 (HHS)


Katie Ripley

Cheer Page

Chess Club

Thanh Tu Nguyen

Chess Club meets on Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4:30 PM in room A 209. Join our chess club to learn, practice, and sharpen your chess skills while making new friends.

Countries and Cultures Club

Lulu Hosler

Marie Faine-Czarnecki 

Krista Gauna

Djiby Ndiaye

The MRHS Countries and Cultures Club provides opportunities for students to explore different cultures and languages in a fun and interactive environment.  Every meeting focuses on a different culture with a variety of activities such as games, songs, crafts and food.  All interested students are welcome!  You do not need to be currently enrolled in a World Language class to attend, and new members are always welcome!

Cosmetology Club

Lauren Walther

Interested in exploring more about makeup application, skin care, hair styling, and nails? Then please join us at Cosmetology Club, a new club for those wanting to learn more about Cosmetology and meet students who also share similar interests. This club meets on Tuesdays after school at 3:15pm in Counseling.

Crochet Club

Ashley Idell

We meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. 
First semester 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/12, 12/10


Lori Schaeffer

Ace Van Wanselee

Hilary Wimmer

Kyle Wimmer

DECA Website

DECA is a co-curricular student organization which prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, management, and other industries. Mountain Range DECA is nationally recognized and has had the largest DECA Chapter in Colorado for the past 10 years and is one of the 20 largest chapters in the nation. 

Disc Golf

Jacob Burr


Drama Club

Zachary Butte

Hunter Fritz

Drama Club is designed for students interested in learning more about the aspects of theater. This includes learning stage terminology, working on acting skills, technical theater skills, and auditioning skills. Drama Club is open to all students. Club activities will start in September and will generally meet on Thursdays throughout the school year.

Dungeons and Dragons

Eric Leeper

D&D Club starts Monday, October 21st from 3:15 - 4:20 in A105. Come join us for fun and adventures. Make sure you have your character sheets ready, and if you have DM experience, you can start the first campaign. Bring a friend!!!! :)


Logan Janes

MRHS is the first school in Adams12 to create a Esports Program. Our program is Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) approved and works through PlayVS who operates the tournaments, provides the software/game licenses, and offers scholarships to winning teams. We practice and compete on site at Mountain Range High School in our state of the art Gaming Lab in C147, next to the library. More Info

Fashion Club

Duane Tyler

Learn What You Want to Know About Fashion + FIDM
3:30-4:30 in B105.

Game Club

Duane Tyler

Mitch Davis

More Info

Gender + Sexuality Alliance

Isaac Dowd

Join GSA on Tuesdays, from 3:30-4:15pm, in room C132 starting on September 10th! It's a safe space to hang out, have fun, and discuss important issues.

Investment Club

Hilary Wimmer

Kyle Wimmer

6:40 am in B214

National Art Honor Society

Colleen Dowling

More Info

Meets the 4th Wednesday of each Month, from 3:15-3:45 in room D127
Begins Thursday September 25th.

National Honor Society

Jenna Graver

Stacey Johnson

National Honor Society homepage

Phoenix Club

Kyle Wimmer


Outdoors Club

Sidney Street

Interested in the Outdoors? Do you like hiking, skiing, or camping? Then come join the Outdoors Club with Ms. Street! Use the QR code on the Outdoors Club poster to fill out the google form or stop by Ms. Street’s classroom in B207 for more information. All experience levels are welcome.


Michelle Sims

Poms Page

Science Club

Eric Leeper

Duane Tyler

Mitch Davis

Welcome to the Science Club at Mountain Range High School! This club is run on Mondays from 3:30-4:30 pm.  If your student is interested in Science or wants to learn more about a specific field of science, this is the place for them. Come enjoy demonstrations, long term projects, guest speakers, and more. See you there!

Sources of Strength

Lauren Walther

Brandi McKenzie

Mountain Range SOS Instagram

Student Government

Ian Simpson

Mountain Range High School Student Government


James Hock

Technology Student Association (TSA)
Wednesdays 3:15-4:00pm in C140

Weightlifting Club

Erik Lockwood

3:30-4:30 in the Weight Room