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Seal of Biliteracy

Seal of Biliteracy

Attention Seniors: Are you eligible to earn your Seal of Biliteracy? Check the requirements below or on this flyer.

The State of Colorado passed Senate Bill 17-123, enabling school districts to award a diploma endorsement in biliteracy to any graduate who attains proficiency in English and other language. Earning the seal of biliteracy recognizes students for their dedication to learning multiple languages and cultures.

Value and benefits of earning the Colorado Seal of Biliteracy:

  • To encourage students to study languages

  • To honor the diversity that exists within Adams 12 Five Star Schools

  • To prepare students with the skills they need to excel and thrive in a global community

  • To enable students to showcase their language proficiency to colleges, universities and employers 

Who can earn the Seal of Biliteracy?

It is available to all students who attain proficiency in English and any additional language(s) as defined by the following requirements:

Criteria (one of these) Score Criteria Score
SAT English portion 470 or higher AP World Language Test 3 or higher
AP English Language Test 3 or higher IB World Language portion 4 or higher
AP English Literature Test 3 or higher Complete level 4 World Language 3.0 GPA or higher
IB English Test 4 or higher Pass AAPPL exam at  I-4 or higher

- AND - 

Earn a GPA of 3.0 or higher in all English classes (4.0 credits)


If none of these options exist within the Five Star District, the student may request a meeting with the World Language Department to determine additional options to meet the requirement.

 How do I apply?

Applications must be turned in by January 31, 2025. The application is digital, and can be submitted via this Google Form. Please talk to your World Language teacher or email Mrs. Gauna with questions.