Mustangs and Mustang Families,
Now that we have completed the first 3 weeks of school, we are hoping to partner with parents and guardians regarding student attendance.
We have been in school for a total of 14 full days and we have had over 2600 tardies. Half of these tardies have been students being late to first hour. I am hopeful that parents/guardians and students have had a few weeks to figure out the traffic flow in order to get to school on time.
Starting the week of September 3rd, we will be implementing a school wide tardy system through the use of
Minga. This system will allow our administration and deans as well as our counseling staff to identify students who need additional support in getting to class.
Mountain Range currently has music that plays in the halls one minute prior to the start of class. If a student is not in class when the bell rings, they will need to get a tardy pass in order to be let into class. They will be able to obtain a tardy pass from a campus supervisor, an administrator, or dean in the hallway outside of the library and outside of the main office. Once a student scans in with their Minga ID, their physical ID or their student ID number, a notification will be sent to the parent/guardian. A student will get 3 tardy warnings before they are assigned detention. Once they have been assigned a detention, they will have 3 days to complete the detention in Student Relations during an off hour, during lunch or during academic support. This cycle will repeat 3 additional times allowing the student a total of 16 tardies before a conference will be requested with a parent/guardian and a dean/administrator.
We understand that there are a variety of reasons that a student may be late to class. If you feel that there is a barrier that we can help with to get your student to class on time, please reach out to us. We have an amazing staff of counselors and mental health professionals that are here to support you.
If you need to reach the attendance line, dial 720-972-6400 to leave a message 24 hours a day.
Thank you for your support in making school attendance a priority.
Mrs. Hansen