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The last day for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders to request courses is February 9th. If you have questions about a class, read the description in the course guide and then discuss with your teacher or counselor.  Incoming 8th graders will be turning in their course request sheets at our Open House night on March 6th from 5pm-7pm.   For more information about the registration timeline, review this link:  2025-26 Course Request / Registration Timeline & Process


Important Links

Registration Presentations

MRHS Registration Guide for 2025-26 (Spanish)

Registration Guide 25-26

RegistrationGuideGeneralInformation2025-2026 (PDF)

Five Star College Now

First page of the PDF file: Five Star College Now

CTE 25-26

MRHSCTEDepartmentCourseGuide-2024 (PDF)

English 25-26

English2025-26 (PDF)

Math 25-26

Mathematics2025-26 (PDF)

Performing Arts 25-26

PerformingArts2025-26 (PDF)

Physical Education 25-26

PhysicalEducation2025-26 (PDF)

Science 25-26

Science2025-26 (PDF)

Social Studies 25-26

SocialStudies2025-26 (PDF)

Special Course Offerings 25-26

SpecialCourseOfferings2025-26 (PDF)

Visual Arts 25-26

VisualArts2025-26 (PDF)

World Languages 25-26

WorldLanguages2025-26 (PDF)